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Spain releases Order HAC/1177/2024 with updated Veri*Factu technical specifications

  • Publication of Order HAC/1177/2024: On 17 October 2024, the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE) published Order HAC/1177/2024, outlining specifications for computer and electronic invoicing systems (SIF) to ensure compliance with the Royal Decree 1007/2023 (Veri*Factu law) and Royal Decree 1619/2012.
  • Certified Invoicing Systems: Taxpayers must use either tax authority-certified invoicing systems (Veri*Factu systems) or ensure their commercial invoicing software complies with the new regulations, including the requirement to submit invoices to the Spanish Tax Authority (AEAT).
  • Technical and Functional Standards: The order specifies technical, functional, and content standards for invoicing systems to ensure compatibility with regulatory requirements, promoting transparency, uniformity, and streamlined invoicing processes, without altering the implementation deadlines of the Veri*Factu mandate.

Source Pagero


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