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Official Bulletins: VERI*FACTU Billing Processes under HAC/1177/2024 Order, Effective 29 October 2024.

  • The Official Bulletins
  • VERI*FACTU Billing Processes
  • Order HAC/1177/2024, of October 17, which develops technical, functional, and content specifications referred to in the Regulations establishing requirements for computer systems and programs supporting billing processes for entrepreneurs and professionals, and standardization of billing record formats.
  • Effective date: The order comes into effect the day after its publication in the BOE, on October 29, 2024.
  • Who is affected: This regulation mainly affects producers and marketers of billing software, as well as users of billing software.
  • Requirements of RD 1007/2023: Obligatory for taxpayers subject to the Income Tax on Corporations, Income Tax on Individuals, and Non-Resident Income Tax.
  • Exemptions: Entities exempt from the obligations are specified.
  • Deadline for operational systems: Taxpayers must have operational systems adapted to the requirements by July 1, 2025.
  • VERIFACTU system by AEAT: The tax agency will implement this system.


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