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Answers to Parliamentary Questions on VAT increase on accommodation

  • State Secretary Idsinga responds to questions about the VAT increase on accommodation, posed by MP Sneller (D66)
  • The calculation for expected revenue from the VAT increase only considers the portion of revenue related to overnight stays
  • The VAT increase applies to a broader range of accommodation services, not just hotels and pensions
  • It is estimated that hotels and pensions will contribute approximately 33% of the total revenue from the VAT increase
  • The calculation takes into account that business travelers can reclaim VAT and that other services are not affected by the VAT increase
  • The analysis shows that only 34.8% of total hotel revenue will be affected by the VAT increase, as business travelers can reclaim VAT and other services are not subject to the increase
  • The calculation is based on data from the CBS regarding household spending and exempt sectors categorized by VAT rates


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
