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Tax exemption for private clinic’s hospital services – social comparability criteria not met.

  • The FG Munich ruled that the stationary hospital services of a private clinic are not exempt from VAT, as they do not meet the conditions comparable to public facilities in social terms.
  • Stationary hospital services of a private clinic not meeting the conditions of § 4 No. 14 letter b UStG are not exempt from VAT through direct application of Art. 132 (1) letter b of Directive 2006/112/EG if they are not comparable to public facilities in social terms.
  • The criteria for social comparability are primarily based on the regulations of the Hospital Financing Act and the Hospital Remuneration Act.
  • Factors against social comparability include the use of different billing modalities or higher remuneration rates compared to public facilities and all other hospitals approved under § 108 SGB V.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
