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Comments on ECJ C-73/23 & C-741/22: Member States can treat online betting differently from offline betting

  • On September 12, 2024, the CJEU decided six cases, two of which concerned the Belgian repealing of the exemption for online betting and gambling other than lotteries.
  • The CJEU confirmed that Member States can treat online betting differently from offline betting, provided the objective differences could influence the average consumer’s choice.
  • However, the Court failed to provide criteria for this assessment, making the rulings more complicated.
  • The VAT Directive exempts betting, lotteries and other gambling, subject to conditions and limitations set by Member States, but the Court may have considered the exclusion of online gambling as a limitation, which in the author’s opinion, does not refer to discrimination between similar services based on the medium of supply.

Source Joseph Sammut

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