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Agenda of the ECJ VAT cases on Sept 12, 2024 – 6 Judgments, 1 AG Opinion

September 12, 2024

A Danish Case – Whether the VAT charged on the Danish media licence fee between 2007 and 2017 should be refunded

A Polish Case – Split payment: Restrictions on Transfer of VAT Funds by Insolvency Administrator in Cases of Tax Arrears

A Belgian Case – VAT neutrality allows for differentiation of Online Gambling

A Belgian Case – Different VAT treatment for Land-based and Online Gambling Services

A Belgian Case – Qualification as ”new building” – extended revision period of 15 years in case of renovation of an existing building

An Hungarian Case – Reduction taxable amount on ex lege payments to the State health insurance agency

A Bulgarian Case – Right to deduct input VAT for supplies received before their registration under national law during COVID-19

October 4, 2024

A Croatian Case – Abusive Practices and Small Business Exemptions

An Austrian Case – Right to deduct VAT if goods purchased are provided to a subcontractor for the subcontractor’s taxable transactions



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