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AG Supreme Court: Tax Deduction Denied for Car Purchase by Law Firm Member

  • A law firm received a VAT invoice for the sale of a car to one of its members
  • The member also used the car for the law firm
  • The Court rejected the deduction of input tax because the car was invoiced to the member personally, not the law firm
  • The Court’s decision is not supported because for VAT purposes, unincorporated partnerships are considered as entrepreneurs
  • The invoicing name should not be decisive for the input tax deduction
  • The Court’s decision should be overturned based on this ground
  • The tax unity of the taxpayer is based on a different article than previously assumed
  • Member states can consider financially, economically, and organizationally closely connected persons as one taxpayer


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.

