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Update on VAT publication and creation of new assistant for freight carriers and VAT payers

  • Updated publication “Memorandum for carriers, VAT payers, about value added tax” and created a new assistant “VAT assistant for freight transport services”
  • Publication can be found on the VMI website at / Main / Tax Code / Publications / Value Added Tax
  • Assistant can be found at / Main / Calculators and assistants / VAT assistant for freight transport services
  • Assistant is designed for carriers transporting goods for other persons, as well as individuals purchasing freight transport services and all other persons who want to independently check how VAT is applied to freight transport services.
  • The assistant does not require taxpayer authentication, so the results depend on the accuracy of the information entered.
  • Information can be found in the letter No. RM-35774 dated 2024-08-30 from VMI to the Ministry of Finance.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
