Headline statistics
The headlines for Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) statistics are:
- PPT receipts collected by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the financial year 2023 to 2024 totalled £268 million, decreasing by 6% compared to 2022 to 2023 which totalled £285 million
- as of 24 July 2024 there were 4,669 businesses registered to the PPT
- of the total tonnage of plastic packaging manufactured in and imported into the UK 42% was declared as taxable under the PPT
- of the remaining 58% of plastic packaging tonnage manufactured in and imported into the UK: 46% contained 30% or more recycled plastic, 11% was either exported, intended for export or converted and less than 1% was exempt because it was used for the immediate packaging of human medicines
Source gov.uk