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Understanding Romania’s New Prefilled VAT Return System

  • The Romanian Tax Authorities have introduced a new prefilled VAT return system, where they will gather information from various sources to prepopulate VAT returns for taxable persons.
  • Taxable persons must verify the provided return against their own records and report any significant discrepancies.
  • The system will collect information from sources such as e-invoicing, SAF-T statement, e-cash registers, e-transport system, customs information system, e-seal, and other Ministry of Finance systems.
  • The prefilled VAT return does not replace the traditional VAT return, and taxpayers are still required to submit their VAT returns through the usual process.
  • The prefilled return is a tool to help the tax office verify the information they have on record and identify any discrepancies.
  • The prefilled VAT return will be available five days before the VAT return deadline, and taxpayers are expected to reconcile the data with their records. If material discrepancies are detected, taxpayers will have 10 days to explain these differences.
  • The system is set to launch on 1 August 2024.

Source RTCsuite

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