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Tourism Stakeholders Urge Withdrawal of 15% VAT on Tour Operator Services for Sector Growth

  • Tourism stakeholders are calling for the withdrawal of the 15 percent VAT on tour operator services proposed in the fiscal 2024-25 budget
  • They warn that the VAT would make tour packages more expensive, potentially driving tourists to neighboring countries
  • The Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh organized a roundtable discussion on this issue
  • The TOAB president emphasized that the VAT could halt major investments in the tourism sector and harm the economy
  • Participants agreed to collaborate and engage with the government to advocate for the withdrawal of the VAT
  • They highlighted that the proposed VAT would result in double taxation for tour operators
  • Various industry leaders and associations, including former BPC and BTB officials, spoke at the discussion.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
