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Prof. Modzelewski on Mandatory KSeF Postponement: Disaster Delayed by Two Years

  • Mandatory KSeF system postponed by two years
  • Prof. Modzelewski criticizes the delay, stating that the disaster has only been postponed
  • The original deadline of July 1, 2024 for the mandatory KSeF model has been pushed to 2026
  • The day is seen as a triumph of rationality and a delay of a legal-economic disaster
  • Absurd provisions regarding mandatory KSeF were set to come into effect on July 1, 2024
  • Sending VAT invoices to KSeF does not constitute legal delivery
  • The day marks a deserved defeat for destructive forces governing Poland’s tax laws
  • Absurd provisions would have required VAT taxpayers to issue invoices in an impractical electronic form
  • Many recipients, especially foreign entities, would have no access to these invoices
  • Sending invoices to KSeF does not legally constitute delivery to the recipient
  • The creators of these provisions likely did not understand the legal implications of VAT invoices


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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