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Formation of VAT credit by tour operator: clarification from tax authorities.

  • Taxpayers noted that when a taxpayer engaged in tour operator and tour agent activities, the formation of a tax credit is carried out in the general manner
  • According to the Tax Code of Ukraine, the tax credit of a reporting period consists of taxes paid by the taxpayer in connection with the purchase or manufacture of goods and services, acquisition of fixed assets, or import of goods and/or non-current assets
  • The tax credit is calculated regardless of whether the goods/services and fixed assets have been used in taxable transactions within the reporting tax period
  • Taxpayers must calculate tax liabilities based on the taxable base and register consolidated tax invoices in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices within the specified deadlines
  • The general rule for forming a tax credit includes all VAT amounts paid for goods/services, regardless of their use in taxable transactions, and subsequent calculation of tax liabilities for goods/services used in non-taxable operations
  • This tax credit formation process aims to ensure the correct calculation of the tax amount that the taxpayer can register in tax invoices, as the VAT electronic administration system does not automatically exclude certain VAT amounts from the registration sum.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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