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е-TTN 2024: Experimental project for Domestic Transport

  • The electronic consignment note project (e-TTN) in Ukraine is entering a new stage after an extended experimental phase.
  • On May 30, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 629 for the implementation of an experimental project on electronic consignment note in domestic freight transportation.
  • The project will last two years and aims to implement e-TTN in domestic freight transportation, integrate the system with state electronic information resources, and propose legislation improvements in road transport.
  • The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine is the project coordinator, working on the approval of the e-TTN system operating procedure.
  • This includes defining the technical administrator, the procedure for joining EDI providers, and the order of interaction between project participants.
  • The Ministry aims to approve the operating procedure within three months from the adoption of Resolution No. 629, and further steps will involve the development of technical requirements for system modernization.

Source Comarch

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