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Czechia 2024 eInvoicing Country Sheet

  • The Czech Republic transposed the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing into national legislation with Act no. 134/2016 Coll. The legislation became effective on October 1, 2016.
  • The Národní elektronický nástroj (NEN) platform was launched in 2015 to enable public contracting authorities to process eProcurement.
  • The European standard on eInvoicing is fully implemented under EDIFACT and UBL 2.1, while ISDOC remains as a national standard.
  • There is no B2B mandate, monitoring mechanism, or use of CIUS and Extensions.
  • The legislation applies to central, regional, and local contracting authorities for receiving and processing electronic invoices (eInvoices) in public procurement.
  • There is no obligation to send eInvoices for commercial transactions.
  • Public contracting authorities shall not reject eInvoices issued by an economic operator if they are in a format compatible with the European standard on eInvoicing.


  • Join the Linkedin Group on Global E-Invoicing/E-Reporting/SAF-T Developments, click HERE



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