United Kingdom

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Reclaiming Pre-Registration VAT: Time Limits, Special Rules, and Unrecoverable VAT Explained

Businesses can reclaim pre-registration VAT incurred on goods and services before they were VAT-registered, with different time limits and rules for partially exempt businesses or those with non-business income.

– Goods on hand or used to make other goods: 4 years from date of VAT registration
– Services: 6 months from date of VAT registration
– Pre-trading VAT input tax should be reclaimed on the business’s first VAT return
– Partially exempt businesses
– Businesses with non-business income
– Purchases of capital items within the capital goods scheme
– VAT incurred on purchases for wholly private purposes before VAT registration (e.g. buying a van for personal use) cannot be reclaimed later
– HMRC’s internal guidance provides examples, such as a van purchased for private use that cannot be reclaimed later when the business registers for VAT


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
VAT news
