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Polish Regional Government Exempt from VAT on In-Kind Contributions to Hospital Company

  • The regional government in Poland purchased medical equipment and furnishings to transfer to a specialized hospital company it fully owns.
  • These assets were intended to be contributed to the company’s increased share capital in exchange for ownership shares.
  • The regional government is not considered a VAT taxpayer for this in-kind contribution, as it is fulfilling its legal obligations to promote and protect public health.
  • The hospital company was established in 2015 through the transformation of a previous independent public healthcare institution.
  • The regional government is the sole shareholder of the hospital company.
  • The regional government does not have to pay VAT for the in-kind contribution of medical equipment and furnishings to the hospital company, as it is part of its statutory duties related to healthcare promotion and protection.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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VAT news

