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Group on the Future of VAT – Minutes of the 45th meeting (May 28, 2024)


Summary meeting

  • VAT Treatment of Donations and Destruction of Goods: The meeting discussed the VAT treatment of donations and the potential fiscal incentives for the destruction of goods, highlighting the need for harmonization and better environmental practices. Delegates acknowledged the issue and suggested further analysis and possible harmonization at the EU level.
  • ViDA Package Implementation: The Commission provided updates on the Single VAT Registration (SVR) and Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) schemes, emphasizing the need for improvements to prevent tax evasion. A workshop in Helsinki at the end of June will further discuss these topics, focusing on securing IOSS identification numbers and streamlining verification processes.
  • Future of VAT Post-ViDA: The VAT Expert Group (VEG) is reflecting on the future of VAT to modernize and simplify the system after the ViDA package adoption. A report is expected by the end of 2024, which will be presented to the Group on the Future of VAT (GFV).
  • New SME Scheme Implementation: The Commission updated delegates on the finalization of the SME Explanatory Notes and Guide, incorporating feedback from previous meetings. Progress was also reported on the SME Web Portal and SME-on-the-Web application for verifying EX numbers attributed to SMEs.
  • Miscellaneous Updates: Delegates were informed about the approval process for a report on vouchers under Article 410b of the VAT Directive and an initiative to transform the VAT exemption certificate into an electronic form. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 1, 2024, likely to be held online.

Summary of the discussion related to ViDA

  • The implementation of the Single VAT Registration (SVR) part of the ViDA package will be further discussed in a workshop in Helsinki at the end of June. An updated version of the working paper on SVR implementation has been uploaded, including new dates of entry into application.
  • The Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) scheme introduced by the VAT e-commerce package aims to simplify VAT collection on low-value distance sales of imported goods. The ViDA package includes improvements to prevent tax evasion or avoidance related to the use and verification process of IOSS VAT identification numbers.
  • The VAT Expert Group (VEG) is reflecting on the future of VAT and generating a debate on modernizing and simplifying the VAT system after the adoption of the ViDA package. The VEG is expected to prepare a report by the end of 2024.


  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Destruction of goods and VAT treatment of donations – Exchange of views
  3. Information points
    1. ViDA package – Update on the state of play and implementation
    2. Ongoing reflections in the VEG on “VAT after ViDA”
    3. New SME scheme – Implementation – Update
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. AOB

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