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New Fiscalization in Republic of Srpska Progresses Smoothly as Deadline Nears

  • Activities on the new fiscalization in the Republic of Srpska are proceeding according to plan.
  • The first few taxpayers have been fiscalized under the new system.
  • An electronic fiscal device was delivered and installed for a taxpayer in Banja Luka, marking the start of the practical transition.
  • The fiscal system operator will contact the first group of taxpayers who have submitted necessary requests for initial fiscalization.
  • There are no costs for the initial fiscalization for the first group of taxpayers.
  • The goal is to complete the initial fiscalization for all 28,000 estimated taxpayers in the first group by December 17 of this year.
  • Taxpayers are reminded to submit their requests on time and not wait until the last day.
  • The deadline for submitting requests for initiating the initial fiscalization procedure is June 17, 2024.
  • The initial fiscalization procedure starts when the taxpayer submits three types of requests: store registration, secure elements, and financial support/subsidies.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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