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EU Court Ruling: Right to VAT Refund Due to Incorrect Cash Register Sales Records

  • TSUE issued a ruling on March 21, 2024, in case C-606/22 regarding VAT overpayment due to incorrect sales recording on cash registers.
  • The ruling allows for the recovery of overpaid VAT even when sales were made to consumers using cash register receipts, not just invoices.
  • The Supreme Administrative Court had suspended several proceedings pending this ruling, which have now resumed.
  • The ruling may affect the interpretation of VAT rates.
  • The case originated from a question by the Supreme Administrative Court in case I FSK 1225/18, related to the sale of fitness club entry passes.
  • The issue involved the interpretation of Council Directive 2006/112/WE on the common VAT system, amended by Council Directive 2010/45/UE.
  • Taxpayers often follow individual tax interpretations, which may later be contradicted by general tax interpretations.
  • In this case, the taxpayer applied a 23% VAT rate instead of the correct 8% rate.
  • The taxpayer’s request for a VAT refund was denied in two instances because the sales were documented with receipts, not invoices.
  • TSUE ruled that taxpayers can request a VAT refund even if sales were documented with receipts and an incorrect VAT rate was applied.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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VAT news

