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Guidance on GST Treatment of Landlords Supplying Properties for Transitional Housing Program

  • The Commissioner has released three public rulings on the GST treatment of supplies of properties by landlords to organisations for use in the Transitional Housing Programme
  • The Operational Position gives guidance on how the Commissioner will apply the technical view set out in the commentary to the Rulings
  • Landlords who have taken incorrect tax positions in previous GST periods should not expect assessments to be corrected to reverse input tax deductions
  • Landlords should consider how the GST legislation applies to their individual circumstances and contact Inland Revenue or their tax advisor if they may have taken incorrect tax positions
  • The Rulings concern the GST treatment of supplies made by landlords to organisations who have entered a Transitional Housing Services Agreement with HUD
  • The commentary to the Rulings discusses matters relevant to determining whether the supply by landlords will be exempt or taxable
  • Possible incorrect tax positions include landlords deducting input tax for acquisition or development costs for buildings that are dwellings
  • The Commissioner expects landlords to comply with the Commissioner’s view of the law as set out in the commentary


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.

