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FNM Leader Pintard Vows No VAT Increase, Focuses on Health and Fiscal Management

  • FNM leader Michael Pintard does not plan to increase VAT above 10%
  • He intends to remove VAT from certain healthy foods, medicines, and feminine and infant care products
  • The Minnis administration raised VAT to 12% but removed it from breadbasket items
  • The Davis administration reduced VAT to 10% but eliminated exemptions
  • Pintard believes other revenue-generating measures will offset the VAT concessions
  • He emphasizes the importance of protecting vulnerable Bahamians and improving their health
  • Pintard believes that reducing the need for expensive treatments through preventative measures will benefit both health and government finances


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Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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VAT news

