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No VAT on hospital insurance costs passed on to medical staff: Landmark ruling by court

  • A hospital does not have to pay VAT on the part of the liability insurance costs passed on to self-employed medical specialists
  • The decision was made by the Zeeland-West-Brabant court in a dispute between hospitals and the Tax Authorities
  • Hospitals are jointly liable for the actions of medical specialists working in the hospital and take out liability insurance that also covers damage caused by the specialists
  • The costs of this insurance are passed on to self-employed medical specialists, who are part of the Medical Specialist Company (MSB)
  • The court ruled that the hospital can pass on these costs without charging VAT, as it is not considered a service to the medical staff and would be exempt from VAT if it were


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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