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ECJ Annual Report 2023 – The Year in Review

The Year in Review

The Year in Review is the Court’s annual report, presenting the Institution’s activity and the case-law of its two courts throughout the past year.

It contains summaries of the year’s main cases, statistics on the work of the two courts and an overview of the key events in 2023. It also includes contributions from the Presidents of the Court of Justice and of the General Court, as well as from the Registrar of the Court of Justice, who is the Institution’s Secretary-General, relating to the activity and development of each court and of the Institution as a whole. The new trends in the General Court’s case-law are presented by its Vice-President.

This edition offers a section entitled ‘Case-law focus’, aimed at providing professionals and the general public with an in-depth and educational review of the year’s leading cases.


See also:

Management report

Every year, the institution’s authorising officer by delegation reports to the Union’s budgetary authorities, in accordance with the financial rules applicable, on the management of the institution’s appropriations and expenditure in the form of an annual activity report. The report, entitled ‘Management report’, includes the results achieved by the institution by virtue of the resources allocated to it and the functioning of the internal control systems.

Rapport de gestion

Version française 2022  pdf icon

Management report 2022  pdf icon.

Previous editions

Source Curia


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