- Determining sales tax obligation is important
- Establishing nexus and determining taxable products/services is crucial
- Registering for sales tax can be complex, especially for foreign-based businesses
- Information required for sales and use tax permit application includes EIN, date of taxable sales, personal information of officers
- Foreign entities may need to obtain EIN for compliance with US legal requirements
- US business owners can obtain EIN online with SSN, while non-US owners can apply via phone, fax, or mail
- Utilizing an IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent is recommended for non-US business owners without SSN
- Obtaining EIN for foreign entity may be necessary for nexus with US, compliance with tax withholding requirements, and partnerships with US entities.
Source: taxconnex.com
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.