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Streamlining Tax Control to Combat Fraud: The Link Between Simplification and Enforcement

  • Skattekontroll and simplification of regulations go hand in hand
  • Recent report suggests measures to combat VAT fraud
  • Suggestions include strengthening control at VAT registration, developing systems to identify invalid VAT numbers, and giving more power to deregister or deny VAT registration in cases of fraud
  • Need for simplification of tax regulations to combat fraud effectively
  • Businesses have been calling for VAT reforms for the past decade
  • Besides the report’s suggestions, there is a need for broader mapping of fraud and tax evasion, increased control, improved knowledge of VAT and entrepreneurship, enhanced digital collaboration, and powerful simplification measures
  • Current VAT law with over 760 sections is dangerously complex and diverts resources away from important tasks.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
