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ViDA explained #1: Are Summary Invoices still allowed?


  • As of July 1, 2027
  • Summary invoices are allowed for both supplies of goods or services for supplies where VAT becomes chargeable in the same calendar month
  • For intra-EU acquisitions of goods (art. 138) and supply of services for which VAT is liable by the customer (art. 196), summary invoices shall be issued no later than 10 days after calendar month-end.
  • Member States may disallow issuance of summary invoices for fraud sensitive sectors
  • For the supply of goods of services, Member States may impose time limits on taxable persons for the issue of invoices.

Amended articles in the EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC (as of July 1, 2027)

Article 222

For supplies of goods carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in Article 138 or for supplies of goods or services for which VAT is payable by the customer pursuant to Articles 194, 195, 196 and 197, an invoice shall be issued no later than 10 days following the chargeable event.

In case of a payment on account before supplies of goods or services for which VAT is payable by the customer pursuant to Articles 194, 195, 196 and 197 are carried out, an invoice shall be issued no later than 10 days following the receipt of the payment on account.

For other supplies of goods or services Member States may impose time limits on taxable persons for the issue of invoices.

Article 223

Member States shall allow taxable persons to issue summary invoices which detail several separate supplies of goods or services provided that VAT on the supplies mentioned in the summary invoice becomes chargeable during the same calendar month.
For supplies of goods and services referrred to in Article 222, summary invoices shall be issued no later than 10 days following the end of the calendar month to which the summary invoice refers.

Member States may exclude the possibility to issue summary invoices in certain fraud sensitive sectors.
Member States shall inform the VAT Committee of exclusions they have implemented.

See also



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