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No VAT exemption for RuneScapecoins trading as they serve entertainment purpose, not as currency

  • Court rules that VAT exemption for financial services does not apply to the sale of RuneScapecoins
  • X buys and sells coins from the game RuneScape, using them as a form of payment or for extra enjoyment in the game
  • Inspector imposes VAT assessment on X for applying incorrect VAT rate and margin scheme
  • X argues that VAT exemption for financial services should apply, but court rules against it
  • Court states that RuneScapecoins are not a legal form of payment and do not function as an alternative currency in the real world
  • Margins scheme does not apply as RuneScapecoins are not physical goods
  • Court upholds decision of lower court in the case


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news


  • VAT news