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Taxable Turnover, Entrepreneurial Status, and Input Tax Deduction of a Spa Town (BFH)

  • Provision of spa facilities against tourist tax is a taxable supply for consideration
  • Taxpayer can deduct input tax for services used for business purposes
  • Taxpayer claimed full input tax deduction for tourism advertising expenses
  • Tax authorities allocated input tax deduction based on revenue from tourism tax and spa tax
  • Tax assessments for the years in question were increased
  • Taxpayer filed a lawsuit against the tax assessments
  • Tax court ruled in favor of the taxpayer
  • Federal Fiscal Court overturned the decision and referred it back to the tax court
  • Tax court found that the taxpayer’s provision of spa facilities against tourist tax met the conditions for being considered a taxable supply
  • A municipality is considered an entrepreneur only if treating it as non-taxable would lead to significant distortions of competition
  • A municipality is considered to have only one business for VAT purposes, including activities such as asset management and taxable support services
  • Tax court did not consider that providing spa facilities to residents for free is a non-business activity.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
