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Paraguay’s e-Implementation Postponement

  • The Sistema Integrado de Facturación Electrónica Nacional (SIFEN) is a new tax system in Paraguay that facilitates the issuance, reception, validation, and storage of Digital Tax Documents (DTEs) through the e-Kuatia platform.
  • Paraguay has implemented electronic invoicing in phases, and the implementation date for newly registered taxpayers has been postponed to January 1, 2025.
  • DTEs support various financial transactions, including VAT debit and credit, income taxes, and more.
  • To become a DTE issuer, specific requirements must be met, such as obtaining a digital certificate and undergoing mandatory tests in SET’s test environment.
  • Electronic invoices can be issued through the “E-kuatia” platform for low-volume taxpayers or through SET’s solution for larger taxpayers, who can voluntarily or mandatorily join for electronic invoicing. SIFEN validates and authorizes the documents to achieve legal validity.

Source SNI

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  • VATAi