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New timetable for the introduction of e-invoicing in France

On 16th February 2024, a meeting discussed the timeline for introducing e-invoicing in France, originally set for 1st July 2024. The implementation plan is as follows:

1st September 2026:
– Mandatory acceptance of e-invoices for all companies
– Mandatory issuance of e-invoices for domestic sales within France for large and mid-sized companies

1st September 2027:
– Mandatory issuance of e-invoices for domestic sales for SMEs and micro-enterprises

These dates may be postponed by up to 3 months. The mandate will not apply to VAT exempt transactions but will cover goods subject to French VAT, including advance payments and sales at auctions. E-invoicing will be supplemented by e-Reporting, covering non-domestic transactions and payment dates, with a requirement to submit data within 10 days. This will apply to any domestic French taxpayer subject to monthly VAT return filing. Updates will be provided.

Source Meridian

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