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NF-e – Mandatory electronic invoicing system in Brazil

  • Technical Note 2019.001 v1.61 extends the implementation date of version 1.60 in the homologation environment. It has been published on the National Electronic Invoicing Portal, providing information on the corresponding scheme.
  • Brazil has had an authorization-based electronic invoicing model since 2008, requiring validation by tax authorities before invoices can be issued. The system aims to improve efficiency, transparency, and reduce tax fraud.
  • The Electronic Invoice system, known as “NF-e” (Nota Fiscal Eletrônica), has transformed how companies handle their invoices by generating, transmitting, and filing them electronically. This eliminates physical documents and streamlines information flow.
  • The process involves authorization of NF-e, NFS-e, and CT-e for product transactions, service provisions, and logistics respectively. Invoices are sent to tax authorities for validation before the commercial transaction proceeds, ensuring integrity and authenticity.
  • The Electronic Invoice is an electronically issued and archived XML document documenting the circulation of goods or services between parties in different Brazilian states. It is sent to the Tax Authority via Web Services for validation, after which an authorized NF-e can be generated.
  • The authorized NF-e acts as the official invoice detailing the commercial transaction between buyer and seller. Its fiscal and legal validity is guaranteed through digital signatures and validation by Brazilian tax authorities.

Source Edicom

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