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New policy on VAT for service charges from 2024

  • New policy regarding VAT on service costs will be implemented from 2024
  • Service costs can include cleaning, repairs, waste removal, and providing security systems
  • VAT on service costs depends on whether they are considered a separate service or part of the rental agreement
  • Previous policy stated that service costs in commercial real estate are usually VAT taxable, while those in residential rentals are usually VAT exempt
  • New policy from 2024 includes jurisprudence stating that service costs are separate services if tenants can choose the provider or the extent of services
  • For utilities, a separate service is considered if tenants can freely determine their usage, indicated by individual meters and billing based on actual usage
  • If tenants can choose the service provider and it is listed as a separate item on the invoice, it is considered a separate service
  • Contact advisors for clarification on how the new policy applies to your specific situation


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news


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