Real-Time Information Reporting (RTIR) became effective in Hungary on 1st July 2018, initially for domestic invoices with a minimum of 100,000 HUF (250 EUR) VAT. Later, on 1st April 2021, the tax authority mandated real-time reporting for all B2C and B2B transactions, regardless of the amount. Electronic invoicing is not mandatory in Hungary, but the NAV system is used for VAT data collection. The system, called Online Számla, requires data to be transmitted in XML format. Despite electronic invoicing not being mandatory, RTIR requires specific invoicing details to aid tax administration in data collection.
Electronic invoicing is not mandatory for B2G and B2B transactions in Hungary, but the tax authorities can acquire VAT-related data in real-time through the NAV system. The government has made progress towards making e-invoicing accessible for all businesses. In July 2018, all Hungarian taxpayers were mandated to issue an invoice for VAT amount greater than or equal to 100,000 HUF and report it to the tax authorities in real-time. In January 2021, Online Számla was introduced alongside the mandatory real-time reporting for B2B and B2C transactions. In April 2021, all taxpayers were mandated to use the then-new NAV Online 3.0, which has since been upgraded to NAV Online 3.2.
Hungary’s electronic invoicing platform is the NAV Online 3.2 RTIR system, requiring documents in XML format input through the Online Számla. When sending an electronic invoice in Hungary, specific requirements set by the Hungarian tax authority must be adhered to, including basic information, format, digital signature (if in PDF format), and archiving for at least 8 years from the annual financial statement.
Source Storecove
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