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GDT Earns $75 Million from E-commerce VAT, Highlighting Revenue Potential for Cambodia

  • The General Department of Taxation (GDT) earned $75.5 million in value-added tax (VAT) on e-commerce in 2023, a 71% increase from the previous year.
  • VAT on e-commerce was collected from non-resident taxpayers and suppliers of goods and electronic services from abroad.
  • 84 enterprises paid $75.51 million in VAT for e-commerce transactions.
  • GDT Director General Kong Vibol believes that VAT on e-commerce is a potential source of revenue for Cambodia.
  • The government started implementing e-commerce VAT in April 2022, taxing companies such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Alibaba, Microsoft, and TikTok.
  • Online shopping platforms are growing in popularity in Cambodia, creating opportunities for small-sized businesses.
  • GDT collected $3.61 billion in taxes in 2023, exceeding the target for the year.
  • GDT is committed to implementing government policies and reforms to modernize the tax administration and improve taxpayer services.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VATIT Compliance
