- The Skattestyrelsen has issued a styresignal regarding the inclusion of production fees in the VAT base.
- The styresignal clarifies that production fees collected by producers such as dairies and slaughterhouses should be included in the VAT base.
- The change in practice is based on the Momssystemdirektivets article 73 and the Momslovens § 27, stk. 1 and 2, litra a.
- The clarification is in response to concerns raised by industry organizations about the VAT treatment of production fees.
- The styresignal provides guidance on how dairies, slaughterhouses, etc. should handle VAT on production fees.
Source: info.skat.dk
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.