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Guide to registration of a digital standard bookkeeping system

This form is for providers of digital standard bookkeeping systems who wants to register their system and have the system on the public list of registered bookkeeping systems.

You will need this:

  • Information about the provider of the bookkeeping system
  • Name of the bookkeeping system
  • Contact person, including contact information
  • Information about whether the system is cloud-based or a hybrid system
  • Information about where registrations and attachments are kept. If it is stored with a third party, information about the third party must be provided
  • Information about the bookkeeping system contains modules or extensions in accordance with the executive order on requirements for digital standard bookkeeping systems, § 1, subsection 2 and 3

Remember to attach the following:

  • Description of how the bookkeeping system meets the requirements in § 15 of the Bookkeeping Act and in the executive order on requirements for digital standard bookkeeping systems (use a template to describe the requirements, which can be found below on this page, if necessary)
  • Provider’s data processing agreement(s)
  • If applicable, the provider’s agreement with a third party that stores posted transactions and documents, or that stores a backup copy thereof in hybrid digital standard accounting systems
  • Description of how modules or extensions meet relevant requirements in the executive order on requirements for digital standard bookkeeping systems
  • If applicable, auditor’s statement
  • If relevant, description of how the bookkeeping system meets the requirements of the executive order on notification and registration of digital standard bookkeeping systems, § 9

Documents that must be attached to the notification appear in the executive order on notification and registration of digital standard bookkeeping systems, § 8, subsection 2.

The documents must be sent digitally. If this is not possible, they can be sent physically to the following address: The Danish Business Authority, Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 Copenhagen.

Please note that only providers or a representative of a provider can or must report a digital standard bookkeeping system meaning companies that use a digital bookkeeping system CANNOT report the systemRead more **here**



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