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Romania Alters 2024 E-Invoicing Mandate

  • GEO no. 115/2023 Overview:
    • Published on December 15, 2023, it addresses fiscal-budgetary measures in public expenditure, fiscal consolidation, combatting tax evasion, amending normative acts, and extending certain deadlines[1].
  • Changes to Mandatory E-Invoicing (Ro e-Invoice System):
    • Law no. 296/2023 introduced obligations for e-invoices through the Ro e-Factura system starting January 1, 2024.
    • GEO no. 115/2023 amends provisions related to the 2024 mandatory e-invoice through the Ro e-Invoice system.
  • Exemptions from E-Invoicing Obligations:
    • Supplies with simplified invoices are exempt from reporting through Ro e-Invoice.
    • Exemptions include exports, intra-Community supplies, supplies to non-VAT registered entities in Romania, and services not subject to Romanian invoicing rules.
  • Fines for Non-Compliance:
    • Fines for Ro e-Invoice system non-compliance start from July 1, 2024.
    • The fine for failure to comply is 15% of the total invoice amount, replacing the VAT amount.
    • Additional fines for late transmission range from RON 1,000 to RON 10,000.
  • System Downtime and Publication:
    • If the Ro e-Invoice system is inactive for at least 24 hours, transmission obligations are suspended.
    • Invoices can be transmitted outside the system during downtime, and the system status is published on relevant government websites.

Source Official Gazette 1139


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