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VAT Overpayments in Consumer Transactions: Will the CJEU Ruling Benefit Taxpayers? Insights from the Advocate General

  • Taxpayers who have overpaid VAT in relation to consumer transactions have gained a new ally in the form of the Advocate General Juliane Kokott.
  • The Advocate General stated that the practice of Polish tax authorities, which involves refusing to acknowledge overpayments, is inconsistent with EU regulations.
  • Taxpayers have faced difficulties in obtaining refunds for overpaid VAT when the overpayment is due to the use of a higher VAT rate than necessary.
  • The issue has affected taxpayers selling prepared meals and providing services in sports and recreational facilities.
  • Tax authorities have relied on a resolution by the Economic Chamber of the Supreme Administrative Court, which states that overpayment does not occur if the taxpayer did not suffer a financial loss.
  • However, this resolution has been questioned, and courts have increasingly distanced themselves from it in recent years.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
