- The Ministry of Finance is starting consultations on two implementing acts regarding the universal use of KSeF from July 1, 2024.
- This is a technical regulation and an amendment to the regulation on issuing invoices.
- The solutions included in the projects will be used already in the first stage of operation of the mandatory KSeF.
- A new technical regulation for the mandatory use of the KSeF will come into effect on July 1, 2024, applying to all taxpayers. The previous technical regulation expires on June 30, 2023. The new regulation includes specifications for accessing invoices in the event of failure or unavailability, marking invoices with QR codes, and new authorization and authentication methods. A specification for interface software will also be presented for consultation.
- The regulation on issuing invoices has been adapted to include KSeF solutions, such as adding NIP data for buyers and sellers by January 1, 2025. Regulations simplifying documentation for continuous services have also been included in response to demands from the energy industry.
Comments on both projects can be sent until December 18 this year. to [email protected]
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