- The text discusses a letter from the Director of the National Tax Information regarding the lack of right to deduct VAT in relation to the removal of asbestos products.
- The letter confirms that the taxpayer’s position regarding the tax consequences of the described factual situation in the VAT is correct.
- The request for an individual interpretation was submitted by the taxpayer and relates to the lack of right to deduct VAT in relation to a project involving the removal of asbestos.
- The taxpayer is a municipality and has applied for a grant for the asbestos removal project.
- The taxpayer believes that they do not have the right to deduct VAT in relation to the project.
- The taxpayer previously applied for a grant for a similar project in 2021 and received a positive opinion from the Director of the National Tax Information regarding the lack of right to deduct VAT.
- The taxpayer maintains their position that they do not have the right to deduct VAT in relation to the current project.
Source: sip.lex.pl
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.