- The text is a binding tax information regarding the tax rate for a product called “Sałatka”
- The product is classified under CN 20
- The tax rate for the product is 0%
- The request for classification was submitted on July 10, 2023, and supplemented on August 8, August 28, and September 15, 2023
- The product is a salad packed in a plastic container with a three-day expiration date
- The company does not have a dining area, only a place for production and storage
- The request was responded to on August 1, August 21, and September 28, 2023, with additional details about the product’s ingredients
- The company provided the raw material composition of the product in the supplementary request
- The company included the product label in the supplementary request
- The company was given a seven-day period to respond to the gathered evidence, but no response has been received as of the date of the decision.
Source: sip.lex.pl
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.