- The State Finance Department of Maranhão (SEFAZ MA) has announced that version 4.0 of the Cargo Transport Bill Issuance Program (CTE – Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico) will become effective from January 31, 2024.
- However, the use of version 3.0 for issuing Bills of Lading is still allowed.
- The new version of CT-e 4.0 introduces changes to events such as cancellation, disuse, replacement, and denied status.
- The cancellation procedure has been eliminated, and instead, taxpayers can use the event “provision of service in disagreement” to make changes or issue a replacement CT-e.
- Transporting taxpayers are advised to contact their software company to check if the update to version 4.0 is available.
- The CT-e Taxpayer Guidance Manual can be found on the CT-e website.
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