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China-EU Launches Anti-Subsidy Probe on China’s New Battery Electric Vehicles

  • The European Commission has initiated an anti-subsidy investigation on China’s new battery electric vehicles (BEVs) designed for the transport of persons.
  • The investigation will determine if the BEV value chains in China benefit from illegal subsidization and if this causes economic injury to EU BEV producers.
  • China’s BEV industry has rapidly expanded internationally, with the EU being a significant growth market for Chinese BEV exports.
  • The EU anti-subsidy regulation allows for investigations into subsidized imports causing economic injury to EU industries.
  • The investigation process includes determining subsidy, specificity, economic injury, causality, and EU interest.
  • Chinese exporting companies should understand and respond to potential EU trade remedy measures and market regulations.
  • Establishing an early warning and response mechanism and actively defending against the investigation can lead to more favorable results.
  • The investigation can have a significant impact on global supply chains, and companies may need to consider restructuring to reduce the likelihood of future investigations.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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