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Netherlands Court Rules in Favor of Tax Refund for Construction Project

  • The case, heard on September 13, 2023, and published on October 9, 2023, is related to tax law.
  • It involves a request for a VAT refund and the right to deduct VAT in a construction project.
  • The court determined that the entire development of the estate should be considered as one project, impacting the eligibility for VAT deduction.
  • The court agreed with this assessment, considering various agreements and parties involved in the development.
  • The taxpayer engaged in both exempt (sales of apartment rights in existing buildings) and taxable (sales of building land) activities during the estate development.
  • The court endorsed the taxpayer’s allocation of costs as directly attributable to taxable or exempt supplies and found no reason to doubt the taxpayer’s allocation of input tax.
  • The dispute mainly centered on the proportion (30% exempt vs. 70% taxable) used for input tax deduction.
  • The court ruled in favor of the taxpayer, stating that the deduction was correctly based on the budgeted proportion of expected exempt and taxable sales.
  • The inspector’s argument to use the actual sales ratio at a later date was not supported by law.
  • As a result, the court granted the taxpayer’s request for VAT refunds totaling €6,581 for January 2019, €7,750 for February 2019, and €862 for March 2019.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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