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Blockchain Projects Financed by Crowdfunding and the VAT issue – the Ruling of the Provincial Administrative Court in Gdańsk

A necessary element of classifying a service as subject to VAT is the separation of the recipient of the service. This was ruled on July 11, 2023 by the Provincial Administrative Court in Gdańsk in the case of a Polish company implementing blockchain network development projects commissioned by the community centered around this network. The court found that the order was financed as part of crowdfunding, hence one of the necessary conditions for VAT could not be met, i.e. identifying a specific beneficiary of the service.

  • Crowdfunding
  • Financing a project in the blockchain network
  • Inability to identify a specific recipient
  • The company is a provide of benefits for which it receives specific remuneration
  • There must be an identifited recipient of the benefit
  • Crowdfunding activities under the supervision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority
  • Tax and legal consultancy as protection against tax errors




VAT news
VAT news
