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Proposed tax reform impacts the Third Sector, aiming to streamline VAT regulations and simplify compliance

This reform is needed due to changes in non-commercial entity regulations resulting from the Third Sector Code and also because many operations of associative entities will become subject to VAT starting from July 2024 due to recent legislation.

The Third Sector Code does not introduce a special VAT regime for the new category of entities (ETS), except for certain exemptions for social promotion associations and voluntary organizations. With the introduction of the changes in the Third Sector Code, ETS will benefit from VAT exemptions for specific services related to general interest.

Additionally, the proposed tax reform seeks to address the VAT treatment of operations conducted by associative entities, which have been impacted by recent legislative changes. This includes modifications to the applicability of VAT to services provided for non-commercial entities and adjustments related to advertising services provided to these entities. Overall, the tax reform aims to harmonize VAT regulations and their application to ETS and associative entities.



VAT news
