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Ruling: WIS SERVICE – building construction – PKWiU 2015 – 41 – 23% VAT rate

– in the decision: construction of a building structure included in the construction covered by the social housing program and- in the VAT rate: 8% pursuant to art. 41 sec. 2 in connection from art. 41 sec. 12 and Art. 146aa para. 1 point 2 and sec. 1a of the Act,changes withofficehighermentioneddecisionsspecifying:- decision: PKWiU 2015 – 41,- the tax on goods and services in the amount of 23%, pursuant to art. 41 sec. 1 in connection with Art. 146ea point 1 and art. 146ef sec. 1 point 1 of the Act.



VATIT Compliance
