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Ecuador President Signs Decree-Law Enacting Redeemable Tax on Non-Returnable Plastic Bottles

The Ecuadorian President’s Office Aug. 18 released Bulletin No. 1023, announcing the same date signing of a decree-law enacting a redeemable tax on non-returnable plastic bottles. The decree-law includes measures: 1) including within its application beverage importers packaging in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles under the consumption regime, bottling companies packaging in PET bottles, domestic recyclers, and companies and individuals domestically manufacturing, marketing, or importing non-returnable PET bottles for beverage packaging; 2) applying the tax at a rate of US$0.02 for each non-returnable PET bottle used in bottling or importing; 3) requiring the return of the tax value to taxpayers considered …

Source Bloombergtax


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