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Digital Certification Entity EDICOM Colombia

DICOM Colombia is a Digital Certification Entity accredited by the National Accreditation Body of Colombia (ONAC) providing companies, communities and natural persons with secure telematic identification mechanisms that allow them to carry out activities substituting the handwritten signature for the digital signature with identical guarantees legal.

The provision of digital certification services are carried out in compliance with the obligation established in Article 160 of Decree Law 0019 of 2012 and in Regulatory Decree 333 of February 19, 2014, as well as in Law 527 of 1999 in its Articles 2 literal d), Article 29 and Article 30 modified by Decree Law 0019 of 2012, Article 42 of Decree 1471 of 2014 and other regulations that modify or complement them.

Source Edicom

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